As of July 2012 Larry has ministered in the following US states: Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, New York, Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC. Larry ministers in Louisiana and Oklahoma on a regular basis, several times per year.

His ministry service includes Sunday and mid week services, revivals, seminars, conferences, youth ministry, ministry in Christian schools for children and teenagers. He also ministers in jails, prisons, Christian rehabilitation facilities, retreats, teaching in Bible schools and more.


Larry has ministered in several foreign nations. He has also been ministering in Ethiopia on regular basis since September 2006. As of April 2012 he has been to Ethiopia 11 times on trips of 4 to 10 weeks.

Larry's next trip to Ethiopia is in mid September of 2012. 

In Ethiopia Larry teaches at Victroy Bible College (VBC) Ethiopia. This school is located in Addis Ababa, the capitol city of Ethiopia. This is a Bible college that Larry helped pioneer in September 2006. 

It has been a very fruitful ministry that has grown to 6 school campuses in 5 different cities of Ethiopia. The 2 campuses in Addis Ababa are called Victory Bible College. One campus is for day students. The other campus is for night students. The other 4 schools are called Victory Bible Institutes (VBI). They are located in the following Ethiopian cities: Nazret; Dire Dawa; Jima; and Nekempt. Both the VBC campuses and VBI schools offer a diploma in Practical Theology after the completion of 2 years of school for the day students. For the night students, 3 or more years are required to successfully complete the program. The school years run from September through May of each year. 

As of September 2012 VBC Ethiopia will also offer a degree program in practical Theology. To earn this degree, one must successfully complete 4 years of school at VBC Ethiopia. For the night students this will take longer.

Larry has ministered in around 45 to 50 churches and ministries in Ethiopia. This ministry has been done in Addis Ababa, Nazret, Hosanna, Awassa, Awash Arba, Mekelsidi, Debre Zeit, Jima and Dire Dawa. Some of this ministry has been to orphans and widows, ministering to them the word of God and healing, helping them with food, clothing and many other things. Larry has also ministered to Muslims in a rural village area of Ethiopia. He has seen about 100 to 150 of them come to Christ so far.


Our daughter Larissa is based in Thailand and also does missions work in other Asian nations. She is working with Life Impact International (LII) and is director of children's homes for orphans and babies. For more on Life Impact International go to their website at. 

She serves in Thailand as a volunteer so donations to help support her missions service are greatly appreciated
. She is working in a very precious ministry to children rescued from or at risk of child prostitution and slavery. She is director of a girls safe house, a boys safe house and a day care for LII. She also directs a home that cares for babies that were at risk of being killed and then used to smuggle drugs and diamonds across national borders by hiding the drugs in the babies's dead bodies.


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